Our Baby Class

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Beyond Birth: Preparing for the Fourth Trimester

I'm excited to announce that along with Becky Peak-Marquez, Post-Partum Doula, I will be hosting a one time talk for new and expecting mamas, Beyond Birth: Preparing for the Fourth Trimester.

Join us to learn more about breastfeeding, babywearing, cloth diapering and what to expect in those early post-partum days.

I will bring some samples of baby carriers, cloth diapers and mama cloth, for attendees to peruse (with the possibility to order) and Becky will have her new line of Radiant Tea and Radiant Cookies, yummy treats for new mamas to help support a good milk supply.

For the Facebook event, click here.

Upcoming date:

Sunday 2nd November, 4pm - 6pm
Room 11, Program Building.
2709 Hunter Mill Road, Oakton, VA. 22124-1614

Thursday, October 9, 2014

MommyCon Philly Part 2

Now for the rest of the story:

We managed to sneak in a nap after the day's events, thanks to the exhaustion of our three young charges.  Then we headed out to dinner with some baby wearing friends from home.  The convention center was right next to Chinatown, so we had some fabulous Dim Sum.  Little girl was a unimpressed but sat fairly nicely through the meal.  Baby boy fell asleep nearly the moment I laid him on the bed while I made a cup of tea and slept for 12 hours straight. Little girl was happy to go to bed on her little cot, while I luxuriously stretched on my own bed!

Day 2!
We snagged breakfast at the hotel and headed over so my friend could head to her sleep consultation seminar and I caught the tail end of 8 Things the Slow Movement Can Teach You with Slow Mama.   (I would have heard the whole thing except that I had left my badge in our hotel room and had to go back for it).  What I heard was amazing.  The biggest thing that struck me was her encouragement to be yourself. She admitted that it sounded trite, but pointed out that even when we find a group we belong to, we are still tempted to change to fit in perfectly.  It gave me something to think about.  

After that, it was time for the Babywearing World Record.  Everyone crowded into the main ballroom.  It was amazing to see so many caregivers (moms, dads, grandparents, older siblings, and others) wearing their babies in every kind of carrier.  Some humor, some photos, and the exciting announcement of a Beco toddler carrier.  

There were so many great events that I had a hard time choosing: Play Based Learning, Babywearing Ballet, #ISupportYou with Jamie Lynn Grumet of I Am Not the Babysitter, and Attachment Theory with Dr. Henrik Norholt.  The only downside was having to chase the toddler instead of paying attention to all the great information coming my way.  There were also dozens of amazing vendors.  

At the end of it, MommyCon is incredibly uplifting, inspiring, and exhausting.  Just being around so many other families that are looking for the best way to raise their children is awesome.  Kids run amok and everyone looks out for them, women nurse their babies without fear of judgement, and lots of happy children are wrapped up with their beloved caregivers.  I loved seeing a 12 year old girl wearing her little baby sibling, happily kissing the top of the baby's head.  

Oh, and as for the swag bag?  It was absolutely incredible.  I got more and more excited with each item that I pulled out.  I could hardly believe the generosity of the sponsors.  

I more than got my money's worth out of the event, and I've been sharing about the amazing experience with everyone who will listen. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

MommyCon Philly

Last year, a friend and I took our eleven month olds to MommyCon Philly and had a great time.  We were hoping that the next event would be even better.  Spoiler alert: our expectations were far exceeded.

We opted for the VIP Package because we were interested in seeing The Honest Toddler's mom speak at the Saturday VIP event.  The VIP tickets included Saturday and Sunday events, two nights in a hotel, and a swag bag including a Beco Soleil baby carrier.  Was it worth it?


We left our house at 5:00am and drove through the foggy morning up towards Philadelphia.  This time, instead of eleven month olds, we had two two year-olds and one three month old.  Surprisingly, none of them slept for more than 20 minutes on the four and a half hour drive.  It took a bit of driving around the block to figure out how to pull up to our hotel, but we finally figured it out.

In case you've never traveled with small children, packing light can be a bit tough.  We filled up two luggage carts.  We'd brought food, lots of changes of clothes for potty trained toddlers, cloth diapers for the baby, baby carriers, a pack and play, and a cot.  Finally, we got everything unloaded to the room, and rushed to registration at the Convention Center, right across the street from the hotel.

We got checked in, and the registration ladies were nice enough to give my little girl a lanyard as well.  We settled down in the back of the room to hear Honest Toddler's Mom (Bunmi Laditan) as she did giveaways via a game of "Who Has It Worst?" Prizes went to those who had gone the longest without showering, the most years without sleep, had the longest pregnancy, and the longest labors.  In between each prize, she had the audience in stitches with her keeping it real humor about motherhood.  She was even funnier in person than she is when writing in toddler persona.

The Leaky Boob was one of the biggest improvements over the previous year.  Jessica Martin-Weber is an inspiring speaker, but last year it felt a little bit like she was speaking to the choir about breast-feeding.  This year, she spoke about the measures we need to advocate for to support breastfeeding. She spoke about maternity leave, desexualizing breastfeeding, and education of health professionals.  I left feeling empowered to pursue those measures.

The day wrapped up with Baby Guy NYC doing a Q&A.  My favorite question was about what gift to splurge on for a new mom.  He recommended a good baby carrier or carseat, or a postpartum doula.

More tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Announcements and More

Hello readers!  I know it's been awhile. There've been some changes around here.  As much as I enjoyed working with other moms to sell their products with Green Mama Life, I needed to make a change.  I am now a cloth diaper educator and sales consultant with Diaper Parties.

Here is why I love Diaper Parties: when I look in my kids' rooms and diaper bag, I see products that Diaper Parties carries.  My two year-old wore BumGenius 4.0 and Freetimes cloth diapers until she was potty trained.  I've wrapped both my babies in Aden & Anais swaddle blankets. We pack our lunches in Planet Wise snack and sandwich bags.  Since joining the Diaper Parties family last spring, I've been introduced to some fabulous new brands and products.  I'm madly in love with my new Ju-Ju-Be Super Be diaper bag (more on that soon).  We're trying out the Best Bottoms training pants for those days when my toddler is a bit too distracted to remember to get to the potty in time.  I'm loving my new Zen Rocks teething necklace.

Our customers get rewards points AND the individual touch of a personal consultant, all while paying standard retail prices for great products.

So, what's going to happen with this blog?

I'm going to continue sharing about green living and family life, with a sprinkle of information about Diaper Parties products.  Most Diaper Parties information will be on our Facebook Page.  Shopping is in the Diaper Parties store.  Just remember to select my name as your consultant at checkout!

Coming soon: the story of my adventures at MommyCon Philly!